Monthly Meeting
Tues., Sept 18, 2018
Lewes Library
1pm - 3pm

Monthly Meeting
Tues., Oct 16, 2018
Lewes Library

Fun & Flirty Fashion Show
Thurs., Oct 25, 2018
Blackwall Hitch
Click for Details

Monthly Meeting
Wed., Dec 5, 2018
Lunch with a Purpose
Click for Details
GFWC Zwaanendael Women’s Club
Public Spirited Women Serving and Improving Our Community
GFWC Zwaanendael Women's Club Name and Logo
Named so at the club's inception, Zwaanendael is archaic Dutch for "swan dale [or valley]," and was the name of the first European settlement in Delaware, which was founded by the Dutch in 1631 and later became the town of Lewes.
The Club's current logo was introduced in January of 2018. It was designed to mirror the General Federation of Women's Clubs' (GFWC) logo, includes the GFWC rose intertwined with the club's tulip, and features the club's namesake swan.
The club flower is the tulip and the club colors are yellow, green and red.
We are also fondly known as "Z Club"